Thriving Women are a collective of women who live and work in Teesside.

These women, with the lived experience of poverty, say loud and clear – from this most deprived area of the UK – that the slogans so beloved of our politicians are meaningless and empty.”

Julie Easley


*NEW* Thriving Women Booklet

It’s been said ‘You can measure a country by how it treats its most vulnerable,’ so in the 30th year of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty it saddens me that the UK has a devastating cost of living crises, the highest NHS waiting list in history, and food and energy poverty so widespread that many have to choose between eating and heating.

Echoes of the Unheard, full of their poems and stories, was published by Thrive Teesside in March 2022, accompanied by their collaborative film poem ‘Poverty is a Weapon.’

In August, we had the launch of the Anthology at the beautiful Georgian Theatre in Stockton, where 6 of the women involved stood on the stage together, under the glowing lights, and spoke their truth in front of an appreciative and welcoming audience.”

“I am a friend of Sandra Falconer and she sent me the poetry book for my birthday. It brought me to tears. It is amazing. I know that my cousin Teresa Cullen would love it too. I asked Sandra to help and as usual, she has. I will make a donation as I think the work you do is brilliant and you deserve support and recognition for making a difference to people.”

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Thriving Women

“The poems and articles in this book show how we, as Teesside women are highly skilled, passionate and determined and will not stay silent. We are the voice of our communities and we are here to be listened to, no matter what we face we will rise up, and we rise up by helping others.”


Thriving Women write for #IDEP2023 #DignityForAll

Thriving Women #DignityForAll #APLEMonth2023

Thriving Women Poetry for International Women’s Day 2023

Manifestos for UK Parliament Week


Scum: A short film by Thriving Women/Tees Women’s Poets

‘Poverty is a weapon’ Thriving Women

Thriving Stockton: A Poverty Truth Approach

‘Writing truth to power’ – Julie Easley

“In a time where the government’s choice is to further punish those already on the breadline, these women tell it how it is, and I range in my emotions from an immense sense of pride to absolute rage and despair.”

#ThrivingWomen tweets

Find out more about the Thriving Women on the Tees Women Poets website here: